Monday, May 4, 2015

Ideology and Voting

Image result for ron johnson wisconsin

DW-Nominate Scores

Senator Johnson has only served as a congressmen during two congresses so there really hasn't been enough time in order to determine a pattern but in both the 112th congress and the 113th congress, Senator Johnson has scored a 0.717 which means he has been very consistent in his voting and that his voting has been a lot more on the conservative side of the issues.  

Party Unity Scores

The same problem as above occurs here in that there just really hasn't been enough time to develop a long lasting pattern but in the two congresses in which Senator Johnson has served he has scored a 96.679 in the 112th and a 97.465 in the 113th which means that Senator Johnson almost always votes the party line and even more so recently.

Interest Group Scores

Project Vote Smart shows various scores on how interest groups rate the different members of Congress. These scores could be important when deciding for whom to vote especially to those individuals who vote for a candidate based on their stances on very specific issues such as abortion, gun control, etc.  Senator Johnson has scores that, I would assume, would be pretty typical of any other Republican congressmen.

  • 100% - National Right to Life Committee (2014)
  • 100% - Campaign for Working Families (2014)
  • 0% - Planned Parenthood Action Fund (2014)
  • 75%- Associated General Contractors of America (2014)
  • 0% - American Civil Liberties Union (2014)
  • 55% - National Association of Police Organization (2014)
  • 70% - Gun Owners of America (2013)

Crossing Party Lines

According to, Senator Johnson has one of the lowest records among senators in regards to crossing party lines and co-sponsoring bills introduced by a different party. He is currently the 4th lowest among Senate sophomores (only 29% of the 150 bill that Johnson co-sponsored were from another party). He is also 12th lowest of the 45 Senate Republicans and only 40th out of all other Senators.


Image result for ron johnson senator working




Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Committee Assignments


"Under their leadership, the Committee is composed of 6 Subcommittees, which together oversee for the vast range of issues under its jurisdiction. These issues range from communications, highways, aviation, rail, shipping, transportation security, merchant marine, the Coast Guard, oceans, fisheries, climate change, disasters, science, space, interstate commerce, tourism, consumer issues, economic development, technology, competitiveness, product safety, and insurance."

Senator Ron Johnson serves as a member on this committee. Being a member on this committee is very beneficial to Senator Johnson due to the fact that commerce, science, and transportation are very vast categories which gives this committee a broad jurisdiction. It also serves as a opportunity to credit claim as commerce includes many things one of which is farming. Seeing that Wisconsin has a large number of farms, Senator Johnson could use his power in the committee to pass bills that would benefit Wisconsin and thus help his chances for re-election.

Ron Johnson is on four of the subcommittees under this committee's jurisdiction:
  • Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security
  • Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation and the Internet
  • Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard
  • Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security

"The Senate Foreign Relations Committee was established in 1816 as one of the original ten standing committees of the Senate. Throughout its history, the committee has been instrumental in developing and influencing United States foreign policy. The committee has considered, debated, and reported important treaties and legislation, ranging from the purchase of Alaska in 1867 to the establishment of the United Nations in 1945. It also holds jurisdiction over all diplomatic nominations. Through these powers, the committee has helped shape foreign policy of broad significance, in matters of war and peace and international relations."

 The world is constantly changing and our relationship with the various countries is always a matter of importance and discussion. A place on this committee allows senators an opportunity to help in the debate of which steps the United States will take in order to tackle the pressing matters of the international community. It also allows for a chance to credit claim as the issues discussed in the committee are usually covered by the media and are of great interest to the general public.

Ron Johnson is on four of the subcommittees found under this jurisdiction:
  • Subcommittee on European and Regional Security Cooperation (Chairman)
  • Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism
  • Subcommittee on East Asian, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy
  • Subcommittee on State Department and USAID Management, International Operations, and Bilateral International Development

"The Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) is the Senate’s primary oversight committee with broad jurisdiction over government operations generally and the Department of Homeland Security in particular. Its primary responsibilities are to study the efficiency, economy, and effectiveness of all agencies and departments of the federal government; evaluate the effects of laws enacted to reorganize the legislative and executive branches of government; and study the intergovernmental relationships between the U.S. and states and municipalities, and between the U.S. and international organizations of which the U.S. is a member."

Ron Johnson is currently a member on three of the subcommittees:
  • Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management
  • Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
  • Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management

"The Budget Committee is one of the Senate’s newer committees, having been created by the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974. While the Committee has seen its duties and functions change over the years due to the enactment of new laws and changes to Senate rules, the Committee remains responsible for drafting Congress’ annual budget plan and for monitoring the federal budget."

Serving on this committee is beneficial for Senator Johnson as its subject matter is always important to the general public. Helping decided how the budget will be spent gives these members an advantage on being able to pass legislation that will benefit their constituents. 

There are no subcommittees for this area.

Current Legislation before the committees

Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
  • S. 808 - the Surface Transportation Board Re-authorization Act of 2015 
    • S. 808 expands successful voluntary arbitration procedures between rail carriers and thier customers to resolve rate cases faster and at less cost.
  •  S.RES.47 - An original resolution authorizing expenditures by the Committee on Foreign Relations.

  • S.874 - A bill to restore Second Amendment rights in the District of Columbia.
  • Sanders Amendment 881 - To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to promoting a substantial increase in the minimum wage. (Failed 48-52)
  • Wyden Tax Relief Amendment 968 - To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fun relating to middle class tax relief. (Passed 73-27).

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Electoral Circumstances

Previous Election:

  • The 2010 election was Ron Johnson's first election to get into Congress
  • He defeated Russell Feingold (D) with 52% of the vote
    • Feingold had been elected three times previously before the 2010 election
  • According to USA Today "He raised $16.1 million for his 2010 race, more than $8.8 million of which came from his own pocket."

Upcoming 2016 Election:

Feingold vs Johnson: The Rematch? According to ballotpedia no one is currently listed as a possible opponent for the 2016 primary election but it does list Russ Feingold as a possible opponent in the general election. Johnson was able to out spend Feingold in the previous election due to spending quite a bit out of his own pockets but according to he won't be doing that again. Instead Johnson will take a different approach stating that, "I think I really can reach out around the country, kind of have a 50-state strategy in terms of fundraising, appealing to business people, appealing to people in the private sector." This may come back to bite him especially since National Journal lists his race as one of the seven Senate races to watch in 2016 and he may need to use every advantage he has at his disposal to retain his seat. also points out that "there is a correlation between Senate and presidential elections in recent presidential cycles. In other words, the Senate result in a state has tended to be increasingly aligned with the state's presidential result." Considering the fact that Wisconsin went to President Barack Obama in both the 2008 and 2012 elections, this could be a bad sign for the current incumbent. 

Campaign Finances

According to rollcall, Johnson had just $606,000 in his campaign account at the end of last year and has a long way to go to match his previous campaign amount of $16.1 million. As stated previously, Johnson does not plan on financing his campaign out of his own pocket as he did during his last election and will instead depend on businesses and individuals contributing.

Possible issues for 2016 election

  • Keystone pipeline
  • Wages for American workers
  • Immigration

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ron Johnson's Strategy


  • Feb. 25 - Senator Johnson returns to Wisconsin to host a telephone town hall event.
  • Feb. 24 - Senator Johnson was in D.C. to head a committee meeting to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and independence of Inspectors General
  • Feb. 11 - Senator Johnson honored two WI police officers during a ceremony for their bravery during the Sikh Temple shooting 

Press Releases

Senator Johnson's website provides a list of press releases which allows the public to stay informed on his activities. A more recent press release states that Sen. Johnson will hold a telephone town hall on Wednesday, Feb. 25 during which "he will speak directly with constituents to answer their questions and discuss the problems facing America." Another advocates for the Keystone XL Pipeline stating that "It creates thousands of construction jobs. If you're concerned about the environment, which we all are, the State Department's own studies showed that it would produce less carbon dioxide to move oil from Canada by Keystone than by any other method." Finally Sen. Johnson also urges Secretary of State John Kerry to immediately tighten international sanctions against Russia and provide defensive weapons to Ukraine so it can defend its territorial sovereignty.


Senator Johnson keeps his constituents up to date through various methods. His official website provides a newsletter which is updated a least monthly and provides a sort of summary of his work both in his office and in the various committees in which he participates.  If his constituents desire to keep up with their senator more frequently then they can follow his Twitter account which posts his activities on a daily basis. Johnson also encourages direct communication from the people he represents as he mentions that "hearing from [his] constituents is a top priority." He does this by providing multiple avenues of communication, email, telephone events, etc., to make it easier.

Bills sponsored/cosponsored

Senator Johnson is only currently sponsoring two bills in the 114th congress.
  • S208 - Secure the Boarder Act First of 2015
  • S129 - Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015
He is however cosponsoring another twenty three bills some of which include: 
  • S339 - ObamaCare Repeal Act
  • S333 - Dollar-for-Dollar Deficit Reduction Act
  • S334 - End Government Shutdowns Act.

Ron Jonson has sponsored a total of fourteen and cosponsored a total of  238 bills during his tenure in Congress.

Friday, February 13, 2015

"If you do things well one at a time, you end up in a really good place. Don't get ahead of yourself. Control the things you can." 

Ron Johnson
United States Senator 


Born: April 8, 1955 ( Currently 59) in Mankato, MN

Residence: Oshkosh, WI 

Education: Graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1977 with a BSB-Accounting degree

Family: Married Jane Johnson (1977); He has three kids: two daughters (Carey and Jenna), and one son (Ben)

Religious affiliation: Lutheranism

Tenure: assumed office January 3, 2011

Previous Election: defeated incumbent Russ Feingold with 52% of the vote

Senator Johnson has sponsored five bills and has co-sponsored 24 bills since being elected into Congress

The Great State of Wisconsin

Population: 5,757,564 (20th of 50)

Area: 65,497.82 sq mi (23rd of 50)

Capital: Milwaukee

Major cities: Milwaukee (594,833), Madison (233,209), Green Bay (104,057)

Joined the Union on May 29, 1848 which makes it the 30th state to be admitted

Racial diversity:
  • White- 82.5%
  • African American- 6.5%
  • Native American- 1.1%
  • Hispanic- 6.3%
  • Asian- 2.5%
Religious diversity:
  • Evangelical Protestant- 26.3%
  • Mainline Protestant- 18.1%
  • Catholic- 23.9%
  • Unaffiliated- 16.1%
Major Industries: Paper (1st in nation), Cranberries, Cheese, Dairy farms